Finn's Age...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

More things crossed off the list today

I got a few more thing crossed off the list today. One was buying a silk long-stitch picture. I chose a canal scene of Shang Tang Jie, a famous street in Suzhou. It was 390RMB and I got it for 150RMB. It has a frame, but I will probably get it changed before we come home to be like all the others, it'll be cheap. It's a bad photo, but here it is:

Kane has had his crown put on and it looks really good. No more brown tooth for him. He is annoying the crap out of me the last few days, wanting to wrestle and the like and it is driving me insane. He needs to go out and run or something.
OK, off to make banana and walnut muffins.

PS - I also got the bonbonniere's sorted today.

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