Finn's Age...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Finn 6 Weeks

Finn started smiling this week, he was nearly cackling today when I was mucking around kissing him and making silly noises! He loves his play mat and can spend about 20 minutes entertaining himself under the toys.

In the bubble bath

Play time

In the suit my Uncle wore when he was a baby. He is now 13 years old!
 He had his needles yesterday and so he is a bit out of sorts, wanting lots of cuddles from Mummy, so I am not complaining too much.

Friday, February 11, 2011

4 Weeks

Finn was 4 weeks young on Thursday and he is now a wopping 4.1kg bub. He has grown 1.5cm in length and in head circumference. Life is as it should be, feed, play, sleep and then it all begins again. He is becoming more aware of what is going on around him and looking and responding to lights, noises and sounds. Sleep is still in bursts of between 3-4 hours with some 5 hours stints.

Morning sleep with Mum

Close up! I love the arm action.

Arms Up

In the bath with Dad.

I am doing well, I try to sleep in the arvo's with him, but I am lucky, I usually get between 6-8 hours between 12pm and 9am. My weight is within 3kg of my starting weight, but I still can't fit into any of my old shorts, pants or skirts. So we'll stick with maternity stuff for now.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Being Spoilt and back to Reality

We seem to take two steps forward and one step back in the sleep department with Finn. We have had 2 fabulous nights (Sun, Mon) and one trying night (last night). The two previous nights Finn only woke up once and was asleep within 45 minutes. There was even a 5 hour sleep on both of these nights  - bliss. Top this with Mum being here to settle him after his 7/8am feed and me being able to go back to bed for a few more hours, it has been bliss.

Last night however he was didn't go down till 12.30am, up at 2, 4.15 and 6.15. At least the 2 and 4 feed he went down after 45 mins. But still! And then Mum got him to sleep 5 hours till 12.15. I woke up at 10.15, swore and then bolted down to the lounge in a panic to find him still asleep.

Mum left today :-( So back to reality, and no sleep ins in the mornings.