Finn's Age...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

5 days to go.

I am so bored!

I am sitting in my classroom all packed up. My children are watching a DVD. I actually bought what I thought was 'Beauty and the Beast', but it is infact the 'Enchanted Christmas' version... oops... expecially now that it's June! Oh well, they're still watching it ;) What a meanie I am!

So our inspection last Sunday was a fizzer. Aparently I had called to change the time to a day and time I wasn't available... Really!? No I didn't! They stuffed up, welcome to China. So tonight at 7.30 it should be happening.

Last night we went out for all you can eat Japanese after our last foot massage. I love sushimi, and we went through a couple of bottles of wine too. I had a very dry mouth last night in bed.

So not much else to say.

Hopefully I will get time to do another post before we leave on Saturday afternoon.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

No more Saturday nights

This is going to be a week of last's I fear.

Last night was our last Saturday night in Suzhou. Today is our last Sunday.

Last night we had a celebration for s couple who got married in Hong Kong last weekend. It was a lovely night with a cross between reception/party. I came home around 10ish as I couldn't stop yawning. Kane stayed until midnight. He said a speech. He did a really good job, Kane definately has a talent for speech writing of the shit-stirring capacity!

Today we are waiting for our groceried to be delivered and then we shall be shopping for polo shirts for Kane to wear to work once we get home. This afternoon our landlord if coming to do an inspection. Hopefully we don't need to fix many things.


Friday, June 26, 2009

How many sleeps...?

The are only 8 more sleeps until we catch the plane to Australia.... oohhh, so excited.

So the craziness has begun. Tonight I have had my plans cancelled, but that's OK.
Tomorrow we are going to a wedding party. Our friends got married in Hong Kong last weekend and we are having a little belated wedding reception in the afternoon.
Sunday we have the landlord coming over for an inspection
Monday I am going for a foot massage and then Japanese afterwards
Tuesday we have our second house inspection and then Kane and I are going to have manicures and pedicures for free!
Wednesday I am going to the dentist for my final check and teeth cleaning
Thursday we have the end of year staff function
Friday is the last day of school and we will be out saying goodbye to everyone at Mr. Pizza and I am going to go and use a massage voucher with Kirstin and Carla.
Saturday we are going to Zen for lunch with Erin, Ron, Carla, maybe Ben, Becki, Todd and Anahira, before catching a ride to the airport at 3.00pm in the afternoon. Our flight leaves at 7.35pm and should arrive in Sydney at 8.30am on Sunday, then we catch a Qantas link into Albury at 12.00 and should arrive at 1.30pm.

Pfff... I exhausted just writing that :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Life in China only has two weeks left!

*****Please note - I have no spell check at the moment, please excuse my spelling errors and or grammar errors, I type to fast and make terrible mistakes!!! Hehehe ******

It is getting so hot here in Suzhou. For some reason I don't rememeber it getting this hot last year.

There has been quite a lot on my mind lately resulting in several restless nights, compounded with the heat. We have a sheet and blanket on the bed, plus a fan, but I find I get hot, then cold, then I toss, and this keeps going and going for sometimes a few hours. The only good nights sleep I've had this week was Wednesday night, but then Thursday night, I went out for dinner and ate too much so I was awake at 3.30am, by 4.45am, I am gave up and got out of bed and went for an hour walk, that meant last night I crashed for 10 hours of sleep. I guess I won't be sleeping tonight!

I guess I am worried about moving home, will we still fit in with our friends. People have moved on without us and that is troubling me. Plus our house may not be ready till the end of August as the tenant is having trouble finding somewhere to move and her lease does not run out until then. Our shipping, will it come too early then, where will we put it? Our work, we only get 7 days off then we both start. Kane at Wodonga South for the next 6 months in a Grade 6 class and me at Bandiana in a Prep/1 for a 6 week contract.

Plus a few other things. I am getting pretty tight for money here in China. In fact I have 14RMB in the bank, that's maybe $2.50. I have 300RMB cash, that's about $50 to get me through the next 2 weeks. I am owed $2000RMB by a friend through an insurance 'thingy', but that still has not appeared in his bank account.

I go to get my last dental work done tomorrow, luckily this is already paid for! I need to get my bridge attached with permant glue, (I only have temporary glue attaching it at the moment). And I also need to go downtown Suzhou to pay a tailor for Kane's wedding ties, that I have to pay for and it 150RMB. (I guess I'll be done to 150RMB by then :0 )

I have a few vouchers to use before we depart, 3 massage and one dinner. Kane and I will use the two massage vouchers tomorrow and then go out for dinner. I will use the 3rd massage voucher on Monday afternoon when a group of us girls will go to get a foot massage, it's our Monday afternoon ritual. I also have a verbal voucher for a manicure and pedicure for Kane and I as I traded some gel nail items to a beauty salon. It's a complicated story, one that I won't go into here.

Kane is in Shanghai today picking up his tailored shorts, my cashmere jacket and another camera item. I might go down a look at some DVD's. I will miss not being able to get cheap DVD's here. Are there any in partucular that people want?

Alrighty, I'm off. I am waiting for the housing agent to come and have a look at the loungeroom airconditioner. It is leaking :0


Friday, June 12, 2009

Another one bites the dust

So for me all the big jobs are done at school. Reports - Done. Student-Led Conferences - Done. Year Book - My class Assembly - DONE!

So sit back and relax is my name at school until the last few days when we start packing up our rooms.

Tomorrow I am off to the pearl market for some wedding jewellery, and Kane has his Bucks Party at a go-cart place, then for him to Bar St for dinner and drinks. Tomorrow night I am going to a Hen's Party for a girl from Germany, Svenja.

I do need to go and get my hair coloured this weekend, it's looking a bit dull, and I can feel it dulling me :)

Kane and I are just about to go to a Tex-Mex place around the corner for a cheap dinner 20RMB for soup and garlic bread and you get free corn chips and a fresh spicy salsa, 20RMB, that's about $4AU!!!!!

Have a great weekend,

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Shopping in Shangahi

We went to Shanghai on the train today. It was fun to go shopping. I got a pair of black crocs that I can wear to school, ordered 2 cashmere jackets, and two pairs of work pants as well, one was a silk cotton blend and the other was a silk wool blend using Aussie wool! Kane ordered a black shirt, 5 pairs on dress shorts for work and bought a new camera lense and some other gadgets to go with it. It was a full day of shopping and now I am pooped. Kane is drinking beer with a friend who also came with us down at the local shop. He'll be eaten alive by mosquitos by now!

There is only 28 days left now!!! 28 days... I can't believe how fast it is coming. We have heard from the shipping company that our household shippment should arrive in Wodonga on or around the 16th of July. That is good timing. It is long enough for us to have our other things from Dahle's in Leeton and short enough not to have to wait too long. It'll all go so fast I am sure.

I think I will sit down to a movie this evening. I watched 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' last night. I really enjoyed it. If ya'll can wait I'll bring the copy back home with me in a month. It's definately a girly flick.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wierd Weather

It has been the wierdest weather the past two days. We've had two storms, but one minute it's calm, the next it's sunny, then it's raining and blustery. Make up your mind please! Plus it is forcast to storm each afternoon for the next 3 days/evenings.

We now have 4 weeks left here in China. Mostly we are organised to come home. Our shippment is in Shanghai awaiting for departure and should be ready to arrive in Wodonga from the 10th-16th of July. We are hoping to have our house by then, but it looks as though the current tenant is not finding what she is looking for. I hope she does.

Tomorrow is International Family Day at SSIS. It is a day where all the nationalities get together and share their food and culture. There are market-y stall around, fun activities, a raffle and silent auction, etc. It's heaps of fun and lots of food to taste. Kane and I are volunteers at the throw a sponge at a teacher stall! It is definately a community event.

We will go to Shanghai on Sunday to get some more clothes made before we come home. I want to get a pair of pants from Myer copied as I love them, and also a cashmere jacket for work and going out to dinner when it's cooler. Kane want's some work shorts tailored and some formal shirts made. We also think we will buy a camera lense for the good camera and maybe a new digital camera from Best Buys.

So thats about it, reports are ready to be put on the system on Monday, Parent-Student conferences are also on Monday, but they are no biggy for us as the student runs it themself.

So take care,