Finn's Age...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I got magnets

I pretty boring post today.

We got the shipping assessment done today. So the company who is send our stuff back knows how much we have to ship. Around 6-7 cubic meters, but I think it'll be a little more than that. We'll see.

I updated my Ipod music last night and there is some weird stuff on the charts at the moment. I just look at the US and OZ top 40 charts and download all the new stuff I haven't seen the previous month. SO I don't know if people are actually liking what I am listening to or not. My taste hasn't changed too much in the past 10 years though... Britney Spears still sings catchy songs. I love 'If you seek Amy'.

I just got given 53 big magnets to stick onto the wedding invitations. Ben rocks! He nicked them from the doctors clinic here in Suzhou.

We fly to Guilin on Saturday afternoon for 5 days. It is supposed to be very beautiful. It'll be nice to be away from Suzhou and SSIS for that time. And then the rocket 7 weeks until the end of the year.

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