Finn's Age...

Friday, April 17, 2009

A busy weekend ahead

This weekend is going to be mental. Kane and I rode today which gets my exercise out of the way nice and easily, but leaves me shattered. Kane is out playing poker at a friends, while I tidy, try to fix the Norton Internet security program (frikkin thing), and get ready for tomorrow. What is tomorrow I hear you ask!!!.....

Tomorrow is measurements day!!!! Yay!

I go to get my wedding dress measured up, the bridesmaids started from their measurements. Kane is also going to get his suit measured and his grooms men's from their measurements. Stuff is starting to happen :)

But, poooh, I need to have a root canal done at 3pm :( I am not looking forward to that one.

On Saturday night there is a birthday party for Dom, Kane's teaching partner. I am not sure if I will make it due to the root canal, but we'll see how we go. Kane will go for a few.

Then on Sunday, I am going to have breakfast with Kirstin and Erin at Casa Zoe's and then we are going to go to Frank's Place to order some furniture, then go shopping for a silk picture and some paper cuttings to take home to hang on the walls. It's going to be a decorating and culture day! We might try to fit in a power walk if we have enough time too.

Have a great weekend,

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