Finn's Age...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Warmish weather

It was a warmish day today. It got to 22, but the website says it felt like 27 outside. The weather is definitely improving though it is supposed to rain fro Sunday - Wednesday next week. I went for my weekly foot massage tonight that costs about $7AU, (it was one the rare good things about China) Lovely!

I came home and cooked a wonderfully nutritious meal of chicken, cabbage, yellow and red capsicum, snow peas and broccoli with brown rice. The sauce was sweet chili, oyster and soy sauce. It was really yum. Look how good it looked:

I'm pretty bored eh???!!!! But isn't Kane lucky - no wonder he's bulking up.

Kane and I are in training for the school triathlon that is to be held on the 9th of May this year. At the moment I will be doing the swim leg in a team situation. It is 10 laps (short length) or 30 laps (long length). I don't know if I want to do the run/bike, but did hear today that three pregnant ladies are doing it, so it kinda puts me to shame eh?!
Tata ;)

1 comment:

SeLiNa said...

Hello stranger!
I had no idea you had this blog!!!
I'll link it up now ;)

So you're doing the triathlon thing too huh!! Isn't it heapsa fun!! Just imagine how much better it would be if we could swim...