Finn's Age...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Only 2 days left

Yesterday was our last day of school. It was a crazy day with signing out, making sure everything was packed up and then saying goodbye to all the students I'd had this past 10 months. I got a couple of little gifts, but on the whole, all staff were very disappoited. Back home you get a small gift from most students, here you may get 1 or 2 from a whole class. As we teach quite rich families we all sort of expected more in gratitude. I was a lucky one, I got two Finland crystal glasses from a Finnish girl.

Last night we had farewell drinks down at Mr Pizza (A chinese style pub) and it was great. There were nearly 40 leaving staff this year and it is really sad to say good bye to so many of them, and then next year it's making new friends.

I have news too...

I can drink beer now!

I have never been able to drink beer. I could pour a perfect beer, but never put it in my mouth a swallow without getting goose bumps all over my body.

I drank 3 big tiger beers and 2 corona's yesterday. I think its a pretty big accomplishment. (I've been practising all year) If nothing else, I can say a learnt to drink beer this year.

On that I decided to make a list of all the things that have happened in the past 10 months just to remind myself of all that we've done:
  1. Learnt to drink beer
  2. Went to Thailand
  3. Went to Cambodia
  4. Went to Vietnam
  5. Went to Beijing and Xian
  6. Went to China!!!!
  7. Learnt to speak some Chinese
  8. Saved heaps of money
  9. Got engaged
  10. Went to Ty and Zoe's wedding
  11. Had my parents and brothers visit
  12. Had Kane's Mum and Gary visit
  13. Learnt to make dumplings
  14. Made many new friends
  15. Learnt all about fresh water pearls
  16. Discovered how cheap all my wedding stuff will be if I buy it here.
  17. Picked green tea
  18. Bought a Chinese tea set
  19. Learnt to eat and make sushi rolls (Korean Kim bob are better though)
  20. Started swimming again

I am sure I could write more, but I was starting to think too hard! So much in one year!

Anyway I will sign off, this may be our last post from China for a few months,

Take care,


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