Finn's Age...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sleepless week.

I have had a very sleepless week of late. I think with the whole am I moving am I staying, it has definitely impacted my ability to sleep. I have had to change my whole thought patterns into, 'oh shit, I only have 7 months to lose weight for my wedding dress, have the wedding dress made, have the bridesmaid dresses made, buy that Chinese furniture, buy those Tupperware sets, get those invitations done, etc, etc'. While no definite answers have been made, it's a 50/50 chance and I just wish a decision was made so we know where we are going. And while the whole 'life in someone else's hands' is frustrating, in another way it's nice because down the track you can't blame yourself for making the wrong decision as in our case a decision will be made for us that will force whether we go or stay.

Kane is coughing a spluttering at the moment - he got sick. So many of you would know I now have a very big baby in the house. It has gotten cold. At night we now have a doona, woolen blanket and polar fleece blanket on the bed and it's only November - the worst is definitely yet to come. It was between New Years and Chinese New Year in January that it hit it's worse with down to -14 over night and 2 degrees during the days a maximums during the snow storm, I hope it doesn't happen again :(

This weekend it will be nice to have a weekend together. I am about to head to Singa Plaza to get some bread and some fresh flowers. I love having flowers in the house and here I have numerous indoor plants. Luckily I have only killed 2 so far! I bought a big one last weekend and I love it. Now I come home from work each night and it gives the place good feng shui. It's relaxes you immediately (well, me anyway).

Have a great weekend loawai's! (Chinese for foreigners)

1 comment:

Bec said...

Hi there Kelly, thanks for popping by my facebook page. Your trip to the grocery store sounded pretty full on. I think that I would have needed a massage and some pampering after that too!

I can just imagine you get sick of all the people around you. I used to be like this when I lived in Japan for awhile.

You will look stunning in your wedding dress. I don't think you need to lose any weight! Just enjoy every moment.

Chat soon