Finn's Age...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

2 weeks

Finn is now 15 days old and travelling like a little trooper. The childcare nurse came to visit us yesterday and I was extremely pleased to hear that he had put on near 500g in 1 week, he has now passed his birth weight which was 7lb 6, he's now a 7lb 12 bub - GO FINN!

Reality hit a few nights ago with me only getting 2 hours sleep. This we think was a combination of my sore and cracked nipples and him not getting enough to drink from me not relaxing and letting down. My soreness comes from him being a strong little rabbit and pulling while he is attached, this has split the skin at the base of my nipple. To try and fix this I have tried three different sized nipple shields, which have helped with the soreness, but have caused to much wind in Finn. He burps well, but also regurgitates what he drinks for up to an hour. Thus last night we had another shocker of a night and went through 6 romper suits and singlets. Each time he'd settle down and sleep, he'd vomit or poo!

So last night we feed him at 9.45, he didin't sleep till 1am, was up again at 3am, down at 5am and came into bed to bed fed again at 7.45. I try to side feed in bed and doze through the early morning feed between 6-8am, as he usually falls asleep beside me and we tend to get another 2 hours and get some lovely skin contact.

Kane came and got him at 9.30 this morning and changed him. I expressed and got 110mls and then gave it to him while I got another 2 1/2 hours sleep. And you know what? He didn't sleep that whole time, but he didn't vomit at all either. I topped him up with nipple shielded breast and just got him to sleep and hey presto - he did a huge vomit, any pattern developing here? Just got him changed and topped up again and he pooped! Luckily he dozed in my arms and he finally slept at 1pm. He's still sleeping now and it's nearly 5pm. I have expressed for him already and hopefully that helps with his vomiting.

Wish me luck...

1 comment:

Cate said...

These photos are just gorgeous Kelly! You look wonderful and don't your little one's lips look sooo beautiful??!!

Hang in there. I had the cracked nipples too which unfortunately led to pretty severe mastitis with both kids. The nipple shields do help, so it may be a matter of persevering with the different types.

Am so thrilled for you though!! xx