Finn's Age...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Moari Performance

For a small country, New Zealand is well represented at our school. There are about 15 Kiwi teachers out of 165 here at Suzhou Singapore International School. On Wednesday we were visted by a group of school girls from Rotorua Girls High School. They are in China to do a performance for the New Zealand Prime Minister as well as perform at the opening of a new New Zealand building in Shanghai.

They were supposed to perform at some schools in Shanghai but most of the International Schools are closed for Easter. We are one of the unlucky ones!! (What is an Easter egg in Suzhou I wonder?)
They were wonderful. They sung 2 Moari songs, did 3 dances, one with a pompom, one with sticks, and the girls version of the haka performance. They then got the children up to swing some pompoms to music and song.

At the very end it was requested that they sing the New Zealand anthem, so all the teacher and studnets got up who are from NZ to sing with them. It was a special morning for the NZ expats.

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