Finn's Age...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Home Sick

I am feeling really homesick at the moment. It seems that the closer I get to coming home, the greater the home sickness. It's a real emotional pang in the pit of my stomach that almost ends in tears... almost! I am holding it together so far.

I am so looking forward to Kane and my wedding and it can be really hard when we have different ideas about it. The guest list is a real issue at the moment and I can't see how we are going to solve our differences. Most things are organised and I know most of what is going on so that I can actually visualise what it might be like, but in saying that I have been 'thinking' about things for over a year now and we still have more than 9 months to go. I am sick of 'thinking' just hurry up already.

Anyway, I need to get myself back to the gym after our holiday to the Philippines, before we left I was going 5-6 times a week no fail! I haven't been since we went on holiday's though. I know that once I get going again the mojo will come back but I am just feeling so down at the moment about so many things. I just want to go home.


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