Finn's Age...

Friday, May 16, 2008

End of another week

How fast the end of the school year is approaching. It felt like only yesterday that it had snowed heavily and we were escaping to Vietnam/Cambodia. Now it's rush to get reports done, rush to exercise, find time to relax, the days fly and they turn into weeks, and soon months and by the time we have time to breathe we will be home visiting all that we love and miss...

We are buying a table and chair set for the balcony this weekend in preparation to Kane's mother coming with her husband Gary. The weather has been divine lately and it would be a pity to waste the wonderful balcony we have just for drying our washing.

Everything (as much as possible) has returned to normal after my family came, rush, rush, rush.

Have a great weekend everyone. We think of you all often, keep sharing your new with us as we love hearing it.


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