Finn's Age...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

2nd time today!!!

OK - I went for my walk, 1.05minutes, pretty impressive, I will be sore tomorrow. I didn't see anyone whizz - damit. But I was still a spectacle!!!!!

Here are some of the photos from my school trip on Wednesday.

Wen Temple - Scholar and temple


The only photo's I got from Canglangting have children in them so I can't post them.

A bull at Panmen

Panmen Pagoda

Waterfall in the garden at Panmen

Panmen fort - They were practicing for a movie the day we went.

The gates at Panmen for blocking entry/exit and taxes on the canals. Below is the lake t Panmen
That's it. I have more but I can't post them. The tall girl in the last photo with glasses on, she is Australian, Ann from Brisbane, she's like 6 foot something!

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