Finn's Age...

Friday, August 21, 2009


I have been missing in action lately from the blog. We have just been so busy with not much to report at all.

I think I am going to take some time out from the blogging as I just am not that into it at the moment.

I'll see you all in a few weeks,


Saturday, August 8, 2009

The weekend is here! The weekend is here!

I am so happy it is finally here. Not that Kane and I have many plans.
There is a possibility of football this weekend either in Albury or Dederang, but that's about it! I will prob head downtown for some shopping, clean the house and get groceries. And we might head out to Yackandandah to pick up our bed for the spare room for Jo's.

Pretty boring I know. We had Ty and Zoe around last night and had a delicious Hungarian Pork and Lentil Stew. OMG it was nice and really really easy. I thought it sounded hard in the recipe book, but when I made it, I was stoked. It's a one pot wonder. We all loved it. We played cards after dinner and then we ate a Chocolate Ripple Cake I'd thrown together to dessert.

Have a great weekend and week.
